
日期:2012/6/9 17:46:51


        网络营销是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分, 网络营销是为实现企业总体经营目标所进行的,以互联网为基本手段营造网上经营环境的各种活动。笼统地说,网络营销就是以互联网为主要手段开展的营销活动。



What is network marketing

    Network marketing is an enterprise overall marketing strategy is an integral part of, network marketing is the enterprise to achieve the overall objectives of the business, with the Internet as the basic means to create the environment of online business activities. Generally, network marketing is the Internet as the main means to carry out marketing activities.

      Network marketing on the Internet as the carrier, to meet the network mode of transmission, method and concept of the implementation of  marketing activities, in order to achieve organizational goals or social value. Network marketing to generate nineteen ninties, developed in the late twentieth Century to the present. Network marketing development and background of mainly has three aspects, namely, the development of information technology networks, consumer values change, the fierce business competition.

    The concept of network marketing synonyms include: Internet marketing, Internet marketing, online marketing, Internet marketing, word-of-mouth marketing, video marketing, event marketing, social media marketing, marketing, blog marketing micro-blog.
